
The ATAC-seq pipeline in bcbio follows recommendations from the ENCODE ATAC-seq pipeline and Yiwei Niu’s excellent guide.

bcbio aligns the reads and cleans up the alignments, removing duplicates, multimappers and reads aligning to mitochondria. It then breaks up the BAM files into separate BAM files for nucleosome free (NF), mononucleosome (MN), dinucleosome (DN) and trinucleosome (TN) fractions and calls peaks separately on each fraction and also calls peaks on all of the fractions together.

Consensus peaks of the nucleosome free peaks are created by choosing the peak with the highest score when peaks overlap, described more in depth in the bedops documentation. A matrix of peak counts is created with featureCounts that can be used with downstream count-based differential expression callers like DESeq2/limma/edgeR.

ENCODE quality control metrics and other quality control information is added to the MultiQC report. A separate ATAC-seq specific quality control report is generated using ataqv.

For CHIP-seq analysis use this config: chip_seq.yaml.

Description of example dataset

We will be using ENCSR312LQX and ENCSR310MLB from the ENCODE project as our example datasets. These are P0 samples from the mouse hindbrain and mouse forebrain, each with a single replicate each. We’ll use these samples to call differential affinity between the mouse hindbrain and forebrain.

1. Download the example data and configuration files

This downloads the input data, creates the project structure and example configuration files.

1.1 Create input directory and download FASTQ files.

mkdir atac-example
cd atac-example
mkdir -p fastq

# hindbrain samples
wget --no-check-certificate -O fastq/hindbrain_rep1_R1.fastq.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O fastq/hindbrain_rep1_R2.fastq.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O fastq/hindbrain_rep2_R1.fastq.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O fastq/hindbrain_rep2_R2.fastq.gz
# forebrain samples
wget --no-check-certificate -O fastq/forebrain_rep1_R1.fastq.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O fastq/forebrain_rep1_R2.fastq.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O fastq/forebrain_rep2_R1.fastq.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O fastq/forebrain_rep2_R2.fastq.gz

1.2 Download template YAML file describing the ATAC-seq analysis

mkdir -p metadata
wget --no-check-certificate -O metadata/atac-example.yaml


- analysis: chip-seq
  genome_build: mm10
    aligner: bwa
    peakcaller: [macs2]
    chip_method: atac
    keep_duplicates: False
    keep_multimapped: False
  dir: ../final

1.3 Create a sample sheet

wget --no-check-certificate -O metadata/hindbrain_forebrain.csv

For ATAC-Seq



The only two fields required in this file are samplename and description, you can put whatever you want for the other columns. We recommend adding any additional metdata you know about the samples here.

For ChIP-Seq

For ChIP-seq, bcbio requires batch and phenotype in addition.

However, please note that the antibody column should be added with caution.

  • Valid antibodies are:

    {‘h3k36me3’, ‘narrow’, ‘h3k4me1’, ‘h2afz’, ‘h3ac’, ‘h4k20me1’, ‘h3k4me3’, ‘h3k4me2’,

    ‘h3k9ac’, ‘h3k79me2’, ‘h3k9me2’, ‘h3f3a’, ‘h3k79me3’, ‘h3k27me3’, ‘broad’, ‘h3k9me3’, ‘h3k9me1’, ‘h3k27ac’}.

If you know your antibody should be called with narrow or broad peaks, supply ‘narrow’ or ‘broad’ as the antibody.

Bcbio will call narrow peaks if you have a antibody column, but do not have a vaild antibody within that list.

By default, you will get *.narrowPeak files if you do not have a antibody column.

2. Generate YAML config file for analysis -w template metadata/atac-example.yaml metadata/hindbrain_forebrain.csv fastq

In the result you should see a folder structure:


hindbrain_forebrain/config/hindbrain_forebrain.yaml is the main config file to run the bcbio project. You will see this file has a copy of the parameters in atac-example.yaml for each sample.

3. Run the analysis

This will run the analysis on a local machine, using 16 cores.

cd hindbrain_forebrain/work ../config/hindbrain_forebrain.yaml -n 16


  • peakcaller: [macs2] bcbio just supports MACS2

  • aligner: supports bowtie2 and bwa. bwa will result in a superset of the peaks called by bowtie2.

  • chip_method: set to atac to run the ATAC-seq pipeline

  • keep_duplicates: do not remove duplicates before peak calling. Defaults to False.

  • keep_multimapped: do not remove multimappers before peak calling. Defaults to False.


Project directory

├── 2020-05-01_hindbrain_forebrain
│   ├── ataqv
│   │   ├── index.html -- QC report from ataqv
│   ├── bcbio-nextgen-commands.log -- list of commands run by bcbio
│   ├── bcbio-nextgen.log -- stdout of bcbio log
│   ├── consensus 
│   │   ├── consensus.bed -- consensus peaks from NF fraction
│   │   ├── consensus-counts.tsv -- table of alignments per peak for each sample, calculated by featureCounts
│   ├── data_versions.csv -- versions of data used in the pipeline
│   ├── metadata.csv -- supplied metadata about the samples
│   ├── multiqc
│   │   ├── multiqc_report.html -- multiQC report with useful quality control metrics
│   ├── programs.txt -- versions of programs run in the pipeline

Sample directories

├── forebrain_rep1
│   ├── forebrain_rep1-DN.bam -- dinucleosome alignments
│   ├── forebrain_rep1-full.bam -- all fraction alignments
│   ├── forebrain_rep1-MN.bam -- mononucleosome alignments
│   ├── forebrain_rep1-NF.bam -- nucleosome-free alignments
│   ├── forebrain_rep1-ready.bam -- identifical to -full
│   ├── forebrain_rep1-ready.bam.bai 
│   ├── -- bigwig file of full alignments
│   ├── forebrain_rep1-TN.bam -- trinucleosome alignments
│   ├── macs2 -- contains peak calls for each fraction, including the full peak calls

read.bam contains only uniquely mapped non-duplicated reads, see bam cleaning function. The stats in the project/multiqc/multiqc_report.html include all reads (duplicated, multimappers).

Downstream analysis

Quality Control

The MultiQC report in the project directory under multiqc/multiqc_report.html and at the ataqv report in the project directory under ataqv/ataqv_report.html have useful quality control information that you can use to help decide if your ATAC-seq project worked.

It is hard to give specific cutoffs of metrics to use since the kit, the sample material, the organism, the genome annotations and so on all affect all of the metrics. We generally look at the samples as a whole for an experiment and see if any of the samples are outliers in the important metrics. In the MultiQC report, we look at the percentage of reads in the peaks, the mapping percentage, the ENCODE library complexity statistics and the FastQC metrics to try to spot samples with problems.

In the ataqv report, we look at the HQAA fragment length distribution plot. Ideally, this plot should show a periodic uptick every 200 bases, which corresponds to the different nucleosome fractions. The samples should be enriched for < 100 which is the nucleosome free fraction, 200 for the mononucleosome fraction, 400 for the dinucleosome fraction and 600 for the trinucleosome fraction. Often you will not see this behavior though even in libraries that were successful. But if some of your samples have this and others do not, that is something to be concerned about.

You should see an enrichment around the transcription start sites, if you are missing that then your experiment likely failed. The peaks table in the tables tab in the ataqv report has a measurement of the high quality autosomal alignments overlapping peaks, ataqv calculates this metric using all of the peaks, not just the peaks from the nucleosome-free fraction, so this is useful to look at as well. See the ataqv github repository for a discussion of the ranges of values you can expect to see for metrics in the ataqv report along with other values to look at that might be informative. The Parker lab reprocessed samples from many publications with ataqv and posted the reports here which is helpful to browse through to get an idea of what ranges of values you can expect. As you can see, they can be all over the place.

hindbrain vs forebrain QC reports

Differential affinity analysis

For doing differential affinity analysis we recommend loading the consensus peak table from the consensus/consensus.counts file in the project directory. This is a table of counts per peak in the nucleosome-free fraction for each sample that you can use in any standard count-based differential expression tools like DESeq2/edgeR/limma. Often you will find tutorials using DiffBind but that uses these callers under the hood, so you can just call them directly and skip an intermediate step if you want. Either way works. The DiffBind tutorials are great for understanding how to go about with your downstream analyses.

hindbrain vs forebrain differential affinity reports