Small germline variants¶
Workflow1: validate hg38 calls¶
This workflow validates variant calls using WES data for NA12878 sample.
1. Create project structure¶
mkdir validate_giab
cd validate_giab
mkdir config input final work
2. Prepare input data¶
cd input
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
# hg19
wget -c
gunzip nexterarapidcapture_expandedexome_targetedregions.bed.gz
cat *R1* > NA12878_1.fq.gz
cat *R2* > NA12878_2.fq.gz
rm Garvan_NA12878*
3. Convert capture regions file to hg38 coordinates with UCSC liftover.¶
Successfully converted 200993 records: View Conversions
Conversion failed on 78 records.
Save file to validate_giab/input/nexterarapidcapture_expandedexome_targetedregions.hg38.bed
4. Set analysis parameters in config/NA12878.yaml
- files:
- /full/path/validate_giab/input/NA12878_1.fq.gz
- /full/path/validate_giab/input/NA12878_2.fq.gz
description: NA12878
sex: female
analysis: variant2
genome_build: hg38
aligner: bwa
variantcaller: gatk-haplotype
validate: giab-NA12878/truth_small_variants.vcf.gz
validate_regions: giab-NA12878/truth_regions.bed
variant_regions: /full/path/validate_giab/input/nexterarapidcapture_expandedexome_targetedregions.hg38.bed
cores: 7
- -Xms750m
- -Xmx7000m
memory: 8G
dir: ../final
5. Run the project (8cores/64G RAM)¶
cd validate_giab/work ../config/NA12878.yaml -n 8
Running time ~ 2.4h
6. Review results:¶
:sample,caller,vtype,metric,value NA12878,gatk-haplotype,SNPs,tp,36710 NA12878,gatk-haplotype,Indels,tp,3588 NA12878,gatk-haplotype,SNPs,fp,285 NA12878,gatk-haplotype,Indels,fp,981 NA12878,gatk-haplotype,SNPs,fn,323 NA12878,gatk-haplotype,Indels,fn,611
Here FDR_SNPS = 285 / (285 + 36710) = 0.77%, so precision is 99.23%
FNR_SNPS = 323 / (323 + 36710) = 0.87%, so sensitivity is 99.13%
more improvement is possible with higher coverage depth and custom filters, but overall 99.23% precision / 99.13% sensitivity is a good result for out of the box pipeline.
Workflow2: Basic germline calling¶
The best approach to build a bcbio configuration for germline calling is to use the automated sample configuration with one of the default templates:
FreeBayes template –Call variants using FreeBayes with a minimal preparation pipeline. This is a freely available unrestricted pipeline fully included in the bcbio installation.
GATK HaplotypeCaller template –Run GATK best practices, including Base Quality Score Recalibration, realignment and HaplotypeCaller variant calling. This requires a license from Broad for commercial use. You need to manually install GATK along with bcbio using downloads from the GATK Broad site or Appistry.
Workflow3: Population calling¶
When calling multiple samples, we recommend calling together to provide improved
sensitivity and a fully squared off final callset. To associate samples together
in a population add a metadata
to the sample configuration:
- description: Sample1
batch: Batch1
- description: Sample2
batch: Batch1
Batching samples results in output VCFs and GEMINI databases containing all merged sample calls. bcbio has two methods to call samples together:
Batch or pooled calling – This calls all samples simultaneously by feeding them to the variant caller. This works for smaller batch sizes (< 100 samples) as memory requirements become limiting in larger pools. This is the default approach taken when you specify a
in the variant calling configuration.Joint calling – This calls samples independently, then combines them together into a single callset by integrating the individual calls. This scales to larger population sizes by avoiding the computational bottlenecks of pooled calling. We recommend joint calling with HaplotypeCaller but also support joint calling with FreeBayes using a custom implementation. Specifying a
along with the appropriatevariantcaller
in the variant calling configuration enables this
- description: Sample1
variantcaller: gatk-haplotype
jointcaller: gatk-haplotype-joint
batch: Batch1
- description: Sample2
variantcaller: gatk-haplotype
jointcaller: gatk-haplotype-joint
batch: Batch1
Workflow4: Whole genome trio (50x) - hg38¶
This input configuration runs whole genome bwa alignment and GATK variant calling. It uses a father/mother/child trio from the CEPH NA12878 family: NA12891, NA12892, NA12878. Illumina’s Platinum genomes project has 50X whole genome sequencing of the three members. The analysis compares results against a reference NA12878 callset from NIST’s Genome in a Bottle initiative.
To run the analysis do:
mkdir NA12878-trio-eval
cd NA12878-trio-eval
mkdir config input work
cd config
cd ../input
cd ../work ../config/NA12878-trio-wgs-validate.yaml -n 16
This is a large whole genome analysis and meant to test both pipeline scaling and validation across the entire genome. It can take multiple days to run depending on available cores. It requires 300GB for the input files, 1.3TB for the work directory, and 48GB of memory (with 16 cores). Smaller examples below exercise the pipeline with less disk and computational requirements.
Workflow5: Whole genome (10x)¶
An input configuration for running whole gnome variant calling with bwa and GATK, using Illumina’s Platinum genomes project NA12878-illumina.yaml. See this blog post on whole genome scaling for expected run times and more information about the pipeline. To run the analysis:
Create an input directory structure like:
├── config │ └── NA12878-illumina.yaml ├── input └── work
Retrieve inputs and comparison calls:
cd input wget wget
Retrieve configuration input file:
cd config wget
Run analysis on 16 core machine:
cd work ../config/NA12878-illumina.yaml -n 16
Examine summary of concordance and discordance to comparison calls from the
file in the work directory.
Variant calling algorithm. Can be a list of multiple options or false to skip [false, freebayes, gatk-haplotype, haplotyper, platypus, mutect, mutect2, scalpel, tnhaplotyper, tnscope, vardict, varscan, samtools, gatk]Paired (typically somatic, tumor-normal) variant calling is currently supported by vardict, freebayes, mutect2, mutect (see disclaimer below), scalpel (indels only), tnhaplotyper (Sentieon), tnscope (Sentieon) and varscan. See somatic variant calling documentation for details on pairing tumor and normal samples.
You can generate both somatic and germline calls for paired tumor-normal samples using different sets of callers. The pipeline documentation on calling
Somatic with germline variants
details how to do this.mutect, a SNP-only caller, can be combined with indels from scalpel or sid. Mutect operates in both tumor-normal and tumor-only modes. In tumor-only mode the indels from scalpel will reflect all indels in the sample, as there is currently no way of separating the germline from somatic indels in tumor-only mode.
For the MuTect SNP only variant caller it is possible to add calls from an indelcaller such as scalpel, pindel and somatic indel detector (for Appistry MuTect users only). Currently an experimental option that adds these indel calls to MuTect’s SNP-only output. Only one caller supported. Omit to ignore. [scalpel, pindel, sid, false]jointcaller
Joint calling algorithm, combining variants called with the specifiedvariantcaller
. Can be a list of multiple options but needs to match with appropriatevariantcaller
. Joint calling is only needed for larger input sample sizes (>100 samples), otherwise use standard pooledpopulation calling
GATK incremental joint discovery with HaplotypeCaller. Takes individual gVCFs called bygatk-haploype
and perform combined genotyping.freebayes-joint
Combine freebayes calls using bcbio.variation.recall with recalling at all positions found in each individual sample. Requiresfreebayes
variant calling.platypus-joint
Combine platypus calls using bcbio.variation.recall with squaring off at all positions found in each individual sample. Requiresplatypus
variant calling.samtools-joint
Combine samtools calls using bcbio.variation.recall with squaring off at all positions found in each individual sample. Requiressamtools
variant calling.
Specify the maximum number of gVCF samples to feed into joint calling. Currently applies to GATK HaplotypeCaller joint calling and defaults to the GATK recommendation of 200. Larger numbers of samples will first get combined prior to genotyping.ploidy
Ploidy of called reads. Defaults to 2 (diploid). You can also tweak specialty ploidy like mitochondrial calling by setting ploidy as a dictionary. The defaults are:
default: 2
mitochondrial: 1
female: 2
male: 1
Provide pre-calculated files to use as backgrounds for different processes. Organized as a dictionary with individual keys for different components of the pipeline. You can enter as many or few as needed:variant
A VCF file with variants to use as a background reference during variant calling. For tumor/normal paired calling use this to supply a panel of normal individuals.cnv_reference
Background reference file for copy number calling. This can be either a single file for one CNV method or a dictionary for multiple methods. Supports CNVkit cnn inputs, GATK4 HDF5 panel of normals and seq2c combined mapping plus coverage files:
background: cnv_reference: cnvkit: /path/to/background.cnn gatk-cnv: /path/to/background_pon.hdf5 seq2c: /path/to/background.tsv
Variant annotation¶
Method used to calculate expected variant effects; defaults to snpEff. Ensembl variant effect predictor (VEP) is also available when downloaded usingCustomizing data installation
. [snpeff, vep, false]effects_transcripts
Define the transcripts to use for effect prediction annotation. Optionsall
: Standard Ensembl transcript list (the default);canonical
: Report single canonical transcripts (-canon
in snpEff,-pick
in VEP);canonical_cancer
Canonical transcripts with hand curated changes for more common cancer transcripts (effects snpEff only).vcfanno
Configuration files for vcfanno, allowing the application of additional annotations to variant calls. By default, bcbio will try and apply:gemini
– External population level annotations from GEMINI. This is only run for human samples with gemini data installed.somatic
– Somatic annotations from COSMIC, ClinVar and friends. COSMIC need a custom installation within bcbio. Only added for tumor or tumor/normal somatic calling.rnaedit
– RNA editing sites for RNA-seq variant calling runs. bcbio installs pre-prepared configuration files ingenomes/build/config/vcfanno
or you can specify the full path to a/path/your/anns.conf
and optionally an equivalently named/path/your/anns.lua
file. This value can be a list for multiple inputs.
See description in somatic_variants.
date |
data |
type |
bcbio |
caller |
TP |
FP |
FN |
Target |
Total called |
2020-05-14 |
Garvan_NA12878(WES) |
1.2.3 |
gatk, |
36,710 |
285 |
323 |
0.77% |
0.87% |
37,033 |
36,995 |
2020-05-14 |
Garvan_NA12878(WES) |
1.2.3 |
gatk, |
3,588 |
981 |
611 |
21% |
15% |
4,199 |
4,569 |
bcbio pre-installs standard truth sets for performing validation, and also allows use of custom local files for assessing reliability of your runs:
A VCF file of expected variant calls to perform validation and grading of small variants (SNPs and indels) from the pipeline. This provides a mechanism to ensure consistency of calls against a known set of variants, supporting comparisons to genotyping array data or reference materials.validate_regions
A BED file of regions to evaluate small variant calls in. This defines specific regions covered by thevalidate
VCF file.svvalidate
– Dictionary of call types and pointer to BED file of known regions. For example:DEL: known_deletions.bed
does deletion based validation of outputs against the BED file.
Each option can be either the path to a local file, or a partial path to a file in the pre-installed truth sets. For instance, to validate an NA12878 run against the Genome in a Bottle truth set:
validate: giab-NA12878/truth_small_variants.vcf.gz
validate_regions: giab-NA12878/truth_regions.bed
DEL: giab-NA12878/truth_DEL.bed
follow the same naming schemes for small variants, regions and different structural variant types. bcbio has the following validation materials for germline validations:
– Genome in a Bottle for NA12878, a Caucasian sample. Truth sets: small_variants, regions, DEL; Builds: GRCh37, hg19, hg38giab-NA24385
– Genome in a Bottle for NA24385, an Ashkenazic Jewish sample. Truth sets: small_variants, regions; Builds: GRCh37, hg19, hg38giab-NA24631
– Genome in a Bottle for NA24631, a Chinese sample. Truth sets: small_variants, regions; Builds: GRCh37, hg19, hg38giab-NA12878-crossmap
– Genome in a Bottle for NA12878 converted to hg38 with CrossMap. Truth sets: small_variants, regions, DEL; Builds: hg38giab-NA12878-remap
– Genome in a Bottle for NA12878 converted to hg38 with Remap. Truth sets: small_variants, regions, DEL; Builds: hg38platinum-genome-NA12878
– Illumina Platinum Genome for NA12878. Truth sets: small_variants, regions; Builds: hg19, hg38
For more information on the hg38 truth set preparation see the work on validation on build 38 and conversion of human build 37 truth sets to build 38. The installation recipes contain provenance details about the origins of the installed files.
An introduction to the variant evaluation framework. This includes a comparison of the bwa mem and novoalign aligners. We also compared the FreeBayes, GATK HaplotypeCaller and GATK UnifiedGenotyper variant callers.
An in-depth evaluation of FreeBayes and BAM post-alignment processing. We found that FreeBayes quality was equal to GATK HaplotypeCaller. Additionally, a lightweight post-alignment preparation method using only de-duplication was equivalent to GATK’s recommended Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR) and realignment around indels, when using good quality input datasets and callers that do local realignment.
Additional work to improve variant filtering, providing methods to remove low complexity regions (LCRs) that can bias indel results. We also tuned GATK’s Variant Quality Score Recalibrator (VQSR) and compared it with cutoff-based soft filtering. VQSR requires a large number of variants and we use it in bcbio with GATK HaplotypeCaller when your
algorithm parameters
contain high depth samples (coverage_depth
is not low) and you are calling on the whole genome (coverage_interval
is genome) or have more than 50 regional or exome samples called concurrently.An evaluation of joint calling with GATK HaplotypeCaller, FreeBayes, Platypus and samtools. This validates the joint calling implementation, allowing scaling of large population germline experiments. It also demonstrates improved performance of new callers: samtools 1.0 and Platypus.
Support for build 38 of the human genome, improving precision of detection thanks to the improved genome representation.
bcbio automates post-variant calling annotation to make the outputs easier to feed directly into your biological analysis. We annotate variant effects using snpEff or Variant Effect Predictor (VEP), and prepare a GEMINI database that associates variants with multiple external annotations in a SQL-based query interface. GEMINI databases have the most associated external information for human samples (GRCh37/hg19 and hg38) but are available for any organism with the database populated using the VCF INFO column and predicted effects.